Thanks to the brilliant minds put behind the organizing team, the comeback was made very significant especially with the selection of the venue itself - the newly rennovated ZOUK - and the amount of technological implementations to enhance the imagery / profiling of the brand
The new ZOUK looks alot more timid now, but cosier and alot more premium looking - very Heineken
Aside from the technology and venue, some bands were brought in to perform. I sincerely liked VAN SHE's performance - apparently a top electro band in Aussie now and the kind of performance you'd expect in Green Room. Top class & well done!
There were also DEX PISTOLS from Japan & RUBBISH, i mean Lap Sap from Malaysia.
Lap Sap came along with a bunch of identical fans, so identical you can spot them even when you dont wanna spot them - bleached hair .. ewwww, Black Mascara & Ugly Betty glasses, 3 quarter cut jeans (the kind you can tell its sure self-cut) and "Rubbish Fan" printed on their Ts. Eh.. Lap Sap fan, sorry.
Now to the pictures...
Cool Heineken light box, right beside the registration counter and a nice view of KLCC at the background
3 Green heads were placed near the entrace, all of them accomodating a manequin where you could peek through and see 3D images.
Art pieces from selected key opninion leaders were also displayed - the above from Joyce the Kinky Blue Fairy. Aint that kinky?
There was also a bluetooth activation, where you could turn on your bluetooth connection, receive a JAVA application, fill in your IC number, submit, received a coupon, go to the booth, and receive an exclusive Heineken gift - a stubbie holder.
The light projections were superb! Well done Sensate
And this finally, is probably a Lap Sap fan wannabe who probably didnt succeed in bleeching his hair and that's what i meant by "sure self-cut" jeans... Dude, you sure you at the right event?
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